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Cebu City

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Cebu City
(located on Cebu Island in the Visayas area of the central Philippines) is the oldest city in the Philippine Islands.

The city of Cebu was the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines, and it was also the capital of the Philippines, and indeed of all of the Spanish East Indies, for a number of years -- until it was decided to transfer the capital to the newly-built city of Manila in the northern island of Luzon. These days Cebu City is the second-largest metropolis in the Philippines after Manila.

Market, Cebu, Philippines image

Market scene, Cebu City

Some of the tourist attractions of Cebu City:

-- Carbon Market
-- Colon Street
-- Casa Gorordo
-- Fort San Pedro
-- Magellan's Cross
-- Santo Niño Basilica
-- Taoist Temple and Cebu Heavenly Temple of Charity
-- University of San Carlos

It's a Fact!

Many of the attractions in Cebu City are rated the "oldest" in the Philippines. For example:
-- Colon Street is the oldest street in the Philippines
-- Santo Niño Basilica is the country's oldest basilica
-- the Santo Niño image is the oldest religious relic
-- Fort San Pedro is the country's oldest fort
-- University of San Carlos is the oldest college in the Philippines and in Asia.

Many of these facts are of course based on yet another: that Cebu City is the oldest city in the Philippines.

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Cebu Island

Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)

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